My role as a Global Advisor on Disability Inclusion for NBC Universal has allowed me to create resources that teach employees how to recognize and change their own unconscious bias towards disabled people.

I have also written documents detailing proper language use and best practices around disability reporting in reference to a variety of different disabilities.

Some of that content is below, along with snapshots of events that I planned for employees featuring notable disability advocates.

Deepak Chopra mental health awareness

A disability inclusion event on mental health and wellbeing with Deepak Chopra.

Josephine with Deepak Chopra

Financial Wellness with Gary Vaynerchuk

Teaching employees how to get savvy about money, expenses, and not keeping up with the Joneses.

mental health Awareness with headspace

Leading an event for CNBC employees with Headspace co-founder Andy Puddicombe.

Josephine speaking to Andy Puddicombe

Disability Isn’t A Bad Word

My article about the importance of proper representation of disability in journalism.

Read here

ADA31 Lead On - CELEBRIZE! Celebrate & Recognize Non-Apparent Disabilities!

Non-Apparent Disabilities & Stigma Busting, a 90-minute virtual festival to celebrate, educate and take ownership of the experience people with non-apparent disabilities face.

For NBCUniversal and Lead On

Autism awareness with autism speaks

Leading an event for CNBC employees with representatives from the non-profit Autism Speaks.

Josephine’s DE&I Posters


Header photo of Josephine sitting with two representatives from Autism Speaks in CNBC's Mad Money Studio by Scott Myln at CNBC.

If any content has not been attributed properly, please email me.